Cookie and Privacy Policy

Cookie, Privacy policy, GDPR




This information governs the processing of personal data through the use of the website available at carried out by AlgoLab di Nardini Tommaso, current in Via dell’Artigianato, 14 / A – 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi) telephone +39.333.5781696 email (hereinafter the “Owner”), in compliance with current regulations on data protection, including, in particular, the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”).



1. Identity and contact details of the data controller



The data controller is AlgoLab di Nardini Tommaso. Since the Data Controller is established in the Italian territory, no representative has been appointed via the same, to allow full consultation.



2. Identity and contact details of the data controller



The Data Controller has taken steps to appoint himself as data protection officer, who will be contactable at the same addresses as the data controller.



3. Processing methods



3.1 Cookies and environmental data


3.1.1 Technical cookies


Navigation, functional and session cookies:


allow the site to function properly. The use of so-called Session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the data subject’s device and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of identifiers of the individual sessions. Session cookies and are used in order to allow safe and efficient navigation on the site



Statistical cookies:


The site uses statistical cookies created directly by the data controller or provided by third parties. In the latter case, suitable tools have been adopted to reduce the identification power, also by masking significant portions of the IP addresses thus treated. Furthermore, the use of these third-party statistical cookies has been subject to contractual obligations that commit third-party suppliers to use them exclusively for the provision of the service, to keep them separately and not to “enrich” them or not to “cross” them with other information of which they have. In any case, the Data Controller does not allow third party suppliers to use cookies for purposes other than those listed above.

As regards specifically the Google Analytics cookies, the information obtainable from the cookies on the use of the site by users will be transmitted by the browser of the interested party to Google Inc., with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, and filed with the servers of the company itself.

Google’s privacy policies, which we invite you to read, are available at the following address:

The privacy policy relating to Google Analytics services is available at the following address: /intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html



Navigation data and environmental variables:


the computer systems and procedures used to operate the site automatically acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data relating to the n navigation of the interested party, including environmental variables. This category of data includes, by way of example:

The IP addresses of the computers used by the users who use the service;
The number of accesses;
The pages viewed;
The date and time when access occurred;
The url in which the browser was before viewing our page;
The type of navigation browser;
The operating system used.





Profiling cookies: the site uses profiling cookies provided by third parties.


Google Analytics: provides website usage statistics. The same can also be used together with some of the advertising cookies (Google Analytics Advertising Features) in order to show more relevant advertisements on other Google products (such as Google Search) but in general on the whole web, and to measure interactions with ads that are shown.


YouTube: used by the website to store and show video content. These cookies are set by YouTube to track the use of its services. YouTube cookies are only installed when you press Play. YouTube does not have its own cookie policy, but refers to the Google Privacy Policy



Eliminate and disable cookies:


Since cookies are normal text files, they can be accessed using word processing programs. In any case, it is possible to configure your browser in order to prevent it from processing cookies.

Delete / disable cookies with Firefox:

Delete / disable cookies with Edge:

Delete / disable cookies with Chrome:



3.2 Data provided voluntarily by the data subject


Data optionally and freely provided by the data subject by sending e-mails to the addresses on the site may be acquired for the purposes indicated from time to time. In particular, in addition to the email address necessary to reply to the sender, any other personal data contained in the relevant communication will be processed. The interested party is invited not to enter particular data (for example data relating to their state of health) in the communications to be sent to the Data Controller.
The data collected in this way will be stored and processed exclusively for the purpose of storing correspondence and will not be used for other purposes.



4. Purpose of the processing and legal basis of the processing



In relation to the cookies of a technical nature referred to in point 3.1.1 and to the navigation data, the processing of the personal data of the interested party is carried out in order to allow the correct use of the website; its use is necessary for browsing the website In this case, the legitimate interest of the owner constitutes the legal basis of the processing.
In relation to non-technical cookies referred to in point 3.1.2, the processing of personal data carried out through them allows us to offer a personalized browsing experience through profiling. In the latter case, the express consent of the interested party constitutes the legal basis. In relation to the data provided voluntarily by e-mail, the processing of personal data carried out allows us to respond to the requests of the interested parties. The legitimate interest of the Data Controller in responding to the interested parties constitutes the legal basis of the processing.



5. Methods of expressing consent


The consent to the processing of personal data through non-technical cookies may be expressed: By clicking on a specific box presented in a banner.



6. Source from which the personal data originates


Only the data provided by the interested party will be processed in accordance with this information, collected through the website or by sending an email from the interested party. Data from sources accessible to the public will not be processed.


7. Recipients and any categories of recipients of personal data


The recipients of the personal data of the interested party may be: Communications companies that carry out commercial communication and profiling activities on behalf of the Data Controller, which hold the position of data processors; Companies that offer information society services, including, in particular, those that offer hosting services;



8. Categories of data


The personal data of the interested party will be processed. Particular data will not be processed pursuant to art. 9 of the GDPR.



9. Data transfer


The Data Controller may share some of the data collected with services located in a third country or with an international organization. These subjects could be represented, by way of example, by:
Communication companies that carry out communication activities on behalf of the Data Controller;
Companies that offer information society services, including, in particular, those that offer hosting services;
Service providers of the communication company;
The transfer of personal data to these subjects, if established in a third country or an international organization, is carried out in the presence of an adequacy decision of the European Commission, which has verified how the third country, the territory or one or more specific sectors within the third country or the international organization in question guarantee an adequate level of protection of your rights. In any case, the Data Controller – if he deems it appropriate in any case – reserves the right to conclude specific separate agreements that oblige these subjects to adopt adequate security measures, including organizational ones, aimed at offering appropriate guarantees regarding their rights. Google Inc., in particular, is contractually bound to ensure appropriate protection of the rights of the data subject. To obtain a copy of such data or the place where they were made available, simply send the relevant request to the address:



10. Retention period of personal data.


Personal data processed and stored for all purposes referred to in this information are processed and stored for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of the individual collection; The Data Controller reserves the right, in any case, to request the interested party to renew his consent to the processing and / or to verify the consents already expressed.



11. Optional consent and consequences of non-consent


In relation to personal data processed through technical cookies in order to allow correct use of the website, the communication of personal data is not a contractual obligation in relation to technical cookies, but based on legitimate interest of the owner, as without this treatment given that without this treatment the fully functional website could not be made available, while it is to be considered optional in relation to non-technical cookies. In the latter case, failure to communicate such data will only make it impossible to provide a personalized service.
In relation to the data provided voluntarily by email, the processing of personal data is not a contractual obligation, but a treatment based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to respond to the interested parties; without this treatment it would not be possible to respond to the requests made by the interested party.



12. Rights of the interested party



12.1 Right to object


The interested party has the right to object, at any time for reasons connected to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, letters e) or f) of the GDPR, including the profiling on the basis of these provisions. The Data Controller refrains from further processing personal data unless he demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the assessment, exercise or defense. of a right in court.



12.2 Other rights


The Data Controller also intends to inform the interested party of the existence of the following rights:

Right of access of the interested party: the interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation that the processing of personal data concerning him is in progress and, in this case, to obtain access to personal data and specific information. , in accordance with art. 15 of the GDPR;
Right of rectification: the interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning him without undue delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the interested party has the right to obtain the integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing a supplementary declaration, in accordance with art. 16 of the GDPR;
Right to delete data, including the right to withdraw consent: the data subject has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation of personal data concerning him without undue delay and the Data Controller is obliged to cancel the data without undue delay personal; the interested party also has the right to withdraw his consent, if the reasons defined by art. 17 of the GDPR; in this case, the right of revocation can be exercised at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
Right to limitation of treatment: the interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of treatment when the hypotheses defined by art. 18 of the GDPR;
Right to data portability: the interested party has the right to receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him provided to the Data Controller and has the right to transmit such data to another holder without impediments by the Data Controller in the cases and under the conditions specified by art. 20 of the GDPR.



13. Exercise of rights


The requests to exercise the rights indicated in this information, including, in particular, the right to cancellation and the right to revoke the consent given, must be addressed directly to the Data Controller at the email address Alternatively, you can exercise your rights by sending the relevant communication by registered letter with return receipt to AlgoLab at Via dell’Artigianato 14 / A, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi).



14. Accessibility of the information


The information is accessible at the address at Via dell’Artigianato 14 / A, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi), as well as at the Data Controller. If expressly requested by the interested party, the information can also be provided orally, provided that the identity of the interested party is proven, by means of a telephone request addressed to the addresses of the Data Controller.